
The Sun is Up. The Sky is Blue...

It's been a great summer. It's been a horrible summer. Recliner's extended family certainly got out and enjoyed what this world has to offer. Highlights include the Olympics in London, the Azores of Portugal, new marital bliss, a trip around the world stopping in the Maldives, Turkey, Bali, oh and a trip  to Williamsport, PA for the Little League World Series. Yeah, we get around. It's been a nice hiatus (and ongoing as we speak - hurry back Flanders!).

But we've also lost a few friends and family members along the way. People we love and miss dearly. Which is certainly a reminder of how lucky we are to play music together and to enjoy life wherever it may take us. There's been plenty of inspiration. Now's it's time to turn it into some new music.

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